Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers
Initial Filing Instructions for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer Status
The following applications and material are based on N.C. Gen. Stat. §58-7-21(b)(4b). An application consists of a completed checklist and all of the necessary corresponding exhibits.
Full Application
Reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurers requesting North Carolina to act as its “Lead State” for NAIC Reinsurance Financial Analysis (E) Working Group (ReFAWG) and passporting purposes should file a full application, meaning complete Section I on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers and file all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.
Passport Application
Reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurers who have established their Lead State with an NAIC accredited jurisdiction other than North Carolina, whose initial application has been reviewed by ReFAWG, and would like their reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer status recognized in North Carolina should file a passport application, meaning complete Section II on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers and file all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.
Corresponding Exhibit Forms
Maintaining Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer Status
Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §58-7-21(b)(4b), a reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer must annually file specific information to maintain reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer status.
Annual Renewal Application
Reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurers that filed a full application in North Carolina should annually complete Section I on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers and file all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.
All required documents must be filed no later than June 30.
Annual Passport Application
Reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurers that have passported into North Carolina should annually complete Section II on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers and file all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.
All required documents must be filed no later than December 1.
Listing of Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers in North Carolina
Federal / Alien ID | Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer Name | Domiciliary Jurisdiction | Effective Date | Expiration Date |
RJ-3191531 | Arch Group Reinsurance Ltd | Bermuda | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3194126 | Arch Reinsurance Ltd | Bermuda | 1/1/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191352 | Ascot Bermuda Limited | Bermuda | 9/21/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3194168 | Aspen Bermuda Limited | Bermuda | 3/25/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191540 | Athene Annuity Re, Ltd | Bermuda | 1/1/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190982 | Athene Life Re, Ltd | Bermuda | 1/16/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191454 | AXA XL Reinsurance Ltd | Bermuda | 1/8/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190913 | Canopius Reinsurance Limited | Bermuda | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1320152 | Chubb European Group SE | France | 1/1/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191435 | Conduit Reinsurance Limited | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
AA-1120191 | Convex Insurance UK Limited | United Kingdom | 1/1/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191400 | Convex Re Limited | Bermuda | 1/1/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3194122 | DaVinci Reinsurance Ltd | Bermuda | 2/21/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1340028 | DEVK Re | Germany | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3194130 | Endurance Specialty Insurance Ltd. | Bermuda | 4/11/24 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191289 | Fidelis Insurance Bermuda Limited | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1120175 | Fidelis Underwriting Limited | United Kingdon | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191525 | Fortitude International Reinsurance Ltd | Bermuda | 10/2/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191485 | Fortitude Reinsurance Company Ltd | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191437 | Group Ark Insurance Limited | Bermuda | 4/1/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191190 | Hamilton Re, Ltd. | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191255 | Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America (Bermuda) Ltd. | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190060 | Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd | Bermuda | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1780044 | Hannover Re (Ireland) DAC | Ireland | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1340125 | Hannover Ruck SE | Germany | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190875 | Hiscox Insurance Company (Bermuda), Ltd | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190871 | Lancashire Insurance Company Limited | Bermuda | 1/1/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1370048 | Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE | Luxembourg | 1/1/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190917 | Liberty Specialty Markets Bermuda Limited | Bermuda | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191239 | Lumen Re Ltd | Bermuda | 1/24/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1840610 | MAPFRE RE, Compania de Reaseguros, S.A. | Spain | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1460019 | MS Amlin AG | Switzerland | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1340165 | Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesselschaft in München (“Munich Re”) | Germany | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191473 | Pacific Life Re Global Limited | Bermuda | 2/25/2025 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190686 | Partner Reinsurance Company Ltd. | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1780078 | Partner Reinsurance Europe SE | Ireland | 1/1/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190339 | Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd | Bermuda | 2/21/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1460023 | RenaissanceRe Europe AG | Switzerland | 2/22/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191238 | RenaissanceRe Specialty U.S. Ltd | Bermuda | 2/22/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1320158 | SCOR SE | France | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3191250 | Somers Re Ltd. | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
AA-1122000 | Underwriters of Lloyd's | United Kingdom | 5/2/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-3190870 | Validus Reinsurance, Ltd | Bermuda | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2024 |
RJ-1460006 | Validus Reinsurance (Switzerland), Ltd | Switzerland | 1/1/2023 | 6/21/2024 |
AA-3191388 | Vermeer Reinsurance Ltd | Bermuda | 8/24/2022 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-9350006 | VIG RE zajistovna a.s. | Czech Republic | 1/1/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
RJ-1780072 | XL Re Europe SE | Ireland | 1/1/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
Listing of Reciprocal Jurisdictions
NAIC List of Reciprocal Jurisdictions
Contact Information
Questions concerning reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurers or the application or renewal process can be directed to:
Scott Wicker
Company Admissions Manager