Topics Related to Insurance Rates

North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey has set April 8, 2024 as the hearing date for the North Carolina Rate Bureau’s proposed 50.6% dwelling insurance rate increase. 

North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey is reminding customers of Friday Health Plans of North Carolina, Inc. (FHP-NC) that they have until the end of the day on Thursday, Aug. 31 to choose a new health insurance plan.

This month, as nearly 1.5 million students return to classrooms across North Carolina, Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey, who also serves as Chair of Safe Kids N.C., is reminding everyone to keep safety in mind when walking, driving, or riding the bus to school.

As students return to classrooms across North Carolina, there will be a higher concentration of commuters-especially children-who travel by bus, motor vehicle, bicycle or walk along the roadways.

Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey today announced a settlement with the N.C. Rate Bureau on automobile insurance rates. The settlement is about two-thirds less than the insurance companies had requested. 

North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey, who also serves as the State Fire Marshal, will announce a new insurance rating for the Gastonia Fire Department on Tuesday, Aug 8.

Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey announced today that Friday Health Plans of North Carolina Inc. (FHP-NC) was placed into receivership, effective July 16, to protect North Carolina policyholders. Liquidation of FHP-NC will occur Sept. 1.

The North Carolina Rate Bureau has requested a 50.6% statewide average rate increase for dwelling policies.

The Rate Bureau represents the insurance companies in the state and is not a part of the N.C. Department of Insurance.

North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey has set Oct. 16 as the hearing date for the North Carolina Rate Bureau’s proposed 28.4% auto insurance rate increase.