SHIIP - January - Social Media

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SHIIP - January (suggested posts)

Post 1

Don't let glaucoma steal your sight! This leading cause of vision loss often creeps in without symptoms. Early detection is key! Medicare covers a glaucoma test yearly for high-risk individuals. Stay proactive, safeguard your vision. Questions? Call us at 855-408-1212 or visit Medicare and Seniors' Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) | NC DOI #EyeHealth #GlaucomaAwareness

Post 2

Did you know? Glaucoma can lead to irreversible vision loss if left untreated. But here's the good news – Medicare covers a glaucoma test every 12 months for those at high risk. Are you eligible? Connect with a SHIIP counselor for guidance. Take charge of your eye health today! Questions? Call us at 855-408-1212 or visit Medicare and Seniors' Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) | NC DOI #PreventionFirst

Post 3

Vision matters! Protect yours by staying ahead of potential threats like glaucoma. Medicare covers annual glaucoma tests for high-risk individuals—those with diabetes, over 60, African Americans 50+, and those with a family history. Talk to a SHIIP counselor for more info. Your eyesight is precious! Questions? Call us at 855-408-1212 or visit Medicare and Seniors' Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) | NC DOI #EyeCare #MedicareCoverage