Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Consumers to have access to insurance agents throughout COVID-19 health emergency

Mar 24, 2020

North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey has requested that Governor Roy Cooper determine that financial services, including insurance services, be deemed essential businesses that will remain open to the public throughout the COVID-19 health emergency.

“This designation, if approved, will allow consumers to have access to their insurance agents at all times during this critical period,” said Commissioner Causey.  “Consumers and businesses will need easy access to insurance services during this time sensitive emergency to make claims, purchase or renew policies, make payments and discuss coverage issues,” he added. 

The Commissioner is requesting insurance services remain open if and when Gov. Cooper declares a “Shelter in Place” order.  This means consumers will have access to speak with a licensed agent or adjuster at all times to determine the next step.

Commissioner Causey and the Department of Insurance will continue to operate to serve our citizens during a “Shelter in Place” declaration.

For more information, visit the NCDOI website at www.ncdoi.gov or call 855-408-1212.

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