NCDOI Licensing Actions

Action Date Name and NPN Action, Disposition & License Type Additional Information
Kellum, Carol 7834240 Insurance Producer, Order, Revocation Granted, 2011

Docket Number 3254

Kelly, Kenneth 6575170 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Surrender, Surrender, 2009
Kelly, William A. Insurance Producer, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2014
Kelsey National Corporation Business Entity, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2014
Kennedy, Anthony 20069920 Surety Bail Bondsman, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2021
Kennedy, William Broker, Insurance Producer, Order, Revocation Granted

Docket No. 19 CVS 14937

Superior Court - Mecklenburg County

Order - Affirming Decision of the Department of Insurance

Kennedy, William, 17067926 Broker, Insurance Producer, Order, Revocation Granted

Docket No. 1911

Kennel, Heath Insurance Producer, Voluntary Surrender, Surrender, 2013
Keohane, Tim 8561762 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Surrender, Surrender, 2012
Keretz, John, 623489 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2016
Kerley, Michael 8392429 Professional Bail Bondsman, Surety Bail Bondsman, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2008
Kernan, Gerald Insurance Producer, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2014
Kernodle, Richard, 17260140 Broker, Insurance Producer, Order, Revocation Granted, 2018

Docket Number 1901

Kerns, Pamela Insurance Producer, Voluntary Surrender, Surrender, 2014
Kidd, Christopher Surety Bail Bondsman, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2019
Kight, Jasmine Surety Bail Bondsman, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2019
Kim, Alexander 19166656 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2021
Kim, Alexander 19166656 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2021
Kim, Joshua Insurance Producer, Voluntary Surrender, Surrender, 2013
Kincaid, Charlotte, 15714657 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Surrender, Surrender, 2021
King, Cassandra 16141029 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2016
King, Christopher 10004637 Surety Bail Bondsman, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2007
King, Elijeana, 614823 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty, 2020
King, J., William, 0002765426 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Settlement Agreement, Fine/Penalty
King, James 6594137 Insurance Producer, Voluntary Surrender, Surrender, 2009