NCDOI Document Search

Document Type of Document Last Changed
Simmons, Eric N. Regulatory Actions
Simmons, Shikeria Regulatory Actions
Simon, Douglas 15746405 Regulatory Actions
Simpson, Chad, 17000490 Regulatory Actions
Simpson, Paul Christopher Regulatory Actions
Sims, Jada 17854644 Regulatory Actions
Sims, Jason 15501135 Regulatory Actions
Sinclair, Elliott 17375419 Regulatory Actions
Sinclair, Michael 7876072 Regulatory Actions
Singlesource Property Solutions LLC, 8795831 Regulatory Actions
Singletary, Gary 11760713
Singletary, Gary, 11760713 Regulatory Actions
Singletary, Justin 11081194 Regulatory Actions
Singletary, Tommy, 18904717 Regulatory Actions
Singleton, D'Mohnte 17036725 Regulatory Actions
Sirayathorn, Partick 8445076 Regulatory Actions
SIWC - Annual Filing Package Instructions
SIWC - Corporate Reporting Business Changes
SIWC - Statement Of Benefits and Obligations - Active
SIWC - Statement Of Benefits and Obligations - Inactive
SJ Abrams & Co., Inc. 1000473221 Regulatory Actions
Skelton, Becky, L., 0016961325 Regulatory Actions
Skelton, Becky, Lousie, 0016961325 Regulatory Actions
Skinner, Michael, 91263 Regulatory Actions
Sklavounakis, Anthony 17137919 Regulatory Actions
Slavin, Peter Regulatory Actions
Sloan, Adrian 15916456 Regulatory Actions
Sloop, Michael 6578981 Regulatory Actions
Small Group A and H Checklist
Small Group Annual Activity Report Template
Small Group Annual Actuarial Certification - Submission Instructions
small group health 2021
Small Group Health 2023.pdf
Small Group HMO Checklist
Small Group Hospital Med Service Checklist
Small Group Plan 1
Small Group Plan 1
Small Group Plan 2
Small Group Plan 2
Small Group Plan 3
Small Group Plan 3
Small Group Tax Credit Certification
Smart NC - Health Insurance Claim Denied - We Can Help Publications
Smith, Donald, 8392444 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Everette, 17293853 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Fiona, 8959346 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Gregory 12416858 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Jermaine 17777004 Regulatory Actions
Smith, John 10013182 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Loretta 10004680 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Louis, 19659940 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Marvin Regulatory Actions
Smith, Michael 1536575 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Peter E. Regulatory Actions
Smith, Reginald 17173309 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Rodney, 17344245 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Roy M. Regulatory Actions
Smith, Sandy, 12928787 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Sederick Regulatory Actions
Smith, Shanitha, 19269553 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Terrence 10018565 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Timothy, 1004737 Regulatory Actions
Smith, Tony 10005506 Regulatory Actions
SMP Flyer - Prevent Medicare Fraud
SMP Medicare Summary Notice Fact Sheet Publications
SMP Prescription Drug Scam Flyer Publications
SMP Program Brochure
SMP What is Medicare Fraud Fact Sheet Publications
Snell, Glynis, 3693427 Regulatory Actions
SNIC - Order of Liquidation - 05-02-23 Order
SNIC FAQs Updated 2.14.23 Report
SNIC Informal Notice of Liquidation
SNIC Liquidation Notice to Potential Claimants
SNIC Liquidation PH FAQs
SNIC Liquidation Publication Notice