NCDOI Document Search

Document Type of Document Last Changed
Robb, Jared, 8196412
Roberson, Pamela, 12358646 Regulatory Actions
Roberson, Ronald Regulatory Actions
Roberson, Ronald 8392494 Regulatory Actions
Roberson, Ronald 8392494 Regulatory Actions
Roberts, Diana Lynn Regulatory Actions
Roberts, Jason Regulatory Actions
Roberts, Michael 5448987 Regulatory Actions
Robertson, Kelly 0019694363 Regulatory Actions
Robinson, Anthony 15749458 Regulatory Actions
Robinson, Brian 14567144 Regulatory Actions
Robinson, Irina, 15946826 Regulatory Actions
Rock, Mary 8392523 Regulatory Actions
Rockmacher, Warren 001511114 Regulatory Actions
Rodgers, Nicholas 17437623 Regulatory Actions
Rodriguez, Beaujolais 0019542516 Regulatory Actions
Rodriguez, Josue, 17616031 Regulatory Actions
Rodriguez, Karl 0017145634 Regulatory Actions
Rogers, Chazzne Regulatory Actions
Rogers, Chazzne 15716896 Regulatory Actions
Rogers, William L. Regulatory Actions
Rogerson, Daryl 6589619 Regulatory Actions
Rooker, Nathaniel Regulatory Actions
Rose, Anne, 2479572 Regulatory Actions
Rose, Brian, 1640814 Regulatory Actions
Ross, Amy 17900372 Regulatory Actions
Ross, Robert 10004607 Regulatory Actions
Rougeau, Darrell, 17113533 Regulatory Actions
ROUSE, JANET 6601707 Regulatory Actions
Rowan Mutual Fire Ins Co 2017 ROE Financial Examination Report
Rowan Mutual Fire Ins Co 2021 ROE Financial Examination Report
Rowan Mutual Fire Ins Co General 2013 Report
Roy, Jason 16770473 Regulatory Actions
Royal Premium Budget, Inc 385 Regulatory Actions
RPG Notice & Registration Application
RPX Ins Services LLC, 16550069 Regulatory Actions
RRG 2019 Annual Filing Requirements
RRG 2019 Memorandum
RRG 2019 Quarterly Report of Premiums and Tax (RRG-03)
RRG 2019 RRG Registration Renewal Form (RRG-01)
RRG Filing Checklist 2021.pdf
RRG Notice & Registration Application
RRG Quarterly Report of Premiums and Tax (RRG-03)
RRG-201 RRG Filing Checklist
Rumfelt, Chad, 7344488 Regulatory Actions
Russell, Nakita 17934267 Regulatory Actions
Ryals, Fabian 10008008 Regulatory Actions
Ryan, Thomas, 230636 Regulatory Actions
Sabierowski, Teresa 17331949 Regulatory Actions
Safe Driver Incentive Plan Publications
Safeco American States 2011 Report
SagePoint Financial, Inc, 8583463 Regulatory Actions
Sages, Allan Regulatory Actions
Salazar, Frank, 16619019 Regulatory Actions
Salemtowne- 2019 CCRC Disclosure Statements
Salemtowne- 2020 CCRC Disclosure Statements
Salemtowne- 2021 CCRC Disclosure Statements
Salemtowne- 2022 CCRC Disclosure Statements
Salemtowne- 2023 CCRC Disclosure Statements
Salemtowne- 2024 CCRC Disclosure Statements
Sallard, Gloria Regulatory Actions
Salter, Deandre,6985593 Regulatory Actions
Saltzberg, Alan, 17742681 Regulatory Actions
Sample Auto Rates by Territory
Sampson, Darlene 17739927 Regulatory Actions
Sampson, Darlene 17739927 Regulatory Actions
Sampson, Michael 20036447 Regulatory Actions
Sanchez, Chris Regulatory Actions
Sanchez-Morales, Francisco, 8781998 Regulatory Actions
Sanders, Michael, 16093183 Regulatory Actions
Santiago, Veronica, 17797224 Regulatory Actions
Santillo, Perry, 7540722 Regulatory Actions
Santos, Mark Regulatory Actions
Savage, Tahysha 10006144 Regulatory Actions