Distracted Driving Awareness
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Commissioner Causey makes a pitch for distracted driving awareness
Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey Supports Hands Free NC Law
Commissioner Causey offers the following tips to help drivers avoid the pitfalls of distracted driving:
- Don’t use your phone at all while driving! That includes texting, websites, or social media. If you really need to send a text or email, pull off the road safely or select a passenger as a “designated texter.”
- Don’t eat while driving.
- Do personal grooming like hair and makeup at home, not on the road.
- Set your navigation systems or radio stations before you start driving.
- Ask someone in the car to tend to the needs of children if necessary.
Commissioner Causey urges all drivers to focus on safety and stop Distracted Driving. Did you know:
- 8 people are killed EVERY DAY in crashes that involve a distracted driver.
- Distracted driving causes about 3,000 deaths per year.
- Distracted driving causes about 280,000 injuries per year.
- Sending or reading a text takes a driver’s eyes off the road for an average of 5 seconds. At 55 miles per hour, that’s like driving the length of an entire football field — blindfolded.
- We all pay more for distracted driving! In the last 10 years, auto insurance premiums have increased 16% correlating with the increase in distracted driving accidents.
- Distracted Driving is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents.

NCDOT Distracted Driving Statistics for 2020
Crashes Involving Distracted Driving
Injuries Involving Distracted Driving
Deaths as a Result of Distracted Driving